Honour Killing In India: Need Of Urgent Reforms In Law

Honour Killing In India: Need Of Urgent Reforms In Law

Aadish Jain_JudicateMe


This Blog is written by Aadish Jain from Symbiosis Law School, NoidaEdited by Prakriti Dadsena.



Honour killing, frequently, the homicide of a woman or young lady or a girl by male relatives. The executioners legitimize their actions by guaranteeing that the casualty has brought shame upon the family’s name, eminence, and prestige.

In male-centric social orders, the exercises of young girls and women are firmly observed. The maintenance of a lady’s virginity and “sexual immaculateness” is viewed as the duty of male family members—first her dad and siblings and afterwards her husband other. Casualties of Honour killings normally are claimed to have occupied with “explicitly shameless” or “sexually immoral” activities, going from transparently bantering with men who are not identified with them to having intercourse outside of marriage (regardless of whether they are the survivors of assault or rape).

Be that as it may, a lady can be targeted for homicide for an assortment of different reasons, including declining to go into an orchestrated marriage or arranged marriage or looking for separation or detachment—even from an abusive spouse. The minor doubt that a woman has acted in a way that could harm her family’s name may trigger an assault; these presumptions are commonly founded on men’s emotions and observations instead of on target truth. Incidentally, female family members frequently guard the killings and once in a while help set them up.

Although such wrongdoings are broadly suspected to be underreported, the United Nations Population Fund evaluates that upwards of 5,000 ladies are murdered every year for reasons of Honour. These violations occur all through the world and are not constrained to one explicit religion or confidence. Be that as it may, they have rather essentially and reliably happened in different pieces of the Middle East and South Asia, with about portion of all Honour killings happening in India and Pakistan. India needs new laws to tackle the so-called ‘honour crimes’ which attempt to control women’s sexuality.

Violence against women’s autonomy, in all matters and especially in matters of sexuality and marriage, is one of India’s most widespread and tenacious forms of gender violence – and also the least recognised. It is a form of violence that hides in plain sight. Violence (against men and women both) to prevent a woman from exercising her choice in love and marriage is not properly documented since India does not have a specific law against “honour” crimes. To spot such violence and confront it, you need to look beneath the surface and read between the lines of available documentation.

The expression “honour” wrongdoings are to some degree deluding not just in light of the fact that it infers that such violations are “honourable”. It likewise gives the feeling that these violations are a result of the “way of life” – customs and conventions – explicit to specific networks or religions. Connecting such crimes and wrongdoings with unbending customs and certain networks alone forestalls affirmation of the way that these violations are very far reaching in India, across areas, regions and communities.

A huge number of youngsters in India have been done to death consistently attributable to honour killings connected to constrained relationships and the nation needs to acquaint tough enactment with manage the offensive wrongdoing. In Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi area, an expected hundred youngsters and ladies are murdered on the sets of supposed “khap panchayats“.

As such “honour killing” is to some degree misdirecting term for a ceremonial type of homicide accelerated by the aggressors saw the loss of Honour the culprits are commonly male and their casualties’ females. Honour executing has been characterized as examples of lead cutting across Communities, societies, religions, and countries and showed in the scope of types of savagery coordinated in most of the cases, against ladies including murder (Honour Killing) and constrained relationships, honour Killing is viewed as wrongdoing that compromises the solidarity and agreement of the network and it goes about as a brief keeping ladies from advancing in their lives. Honour Killing and discipline have been archived over hundreds of years among a wide varsity of ethnic and strict gatherings all through the world.


The fundamental explanation behind the reason for ‘Honour Killing’ is the conviction that any individual from the family had carried disrespect to the family. The shame can be of various kinds for various families. The apparent shame is typically the aftereffect of the accompanying practices, or the doubt of such practices, which are clothing regulations inadmissible to the family/network; or needing to end or forestall an orchestrated marriage or wanting to wed by own decision; or participating in certain sexual demonstrations, incorporating those with the inverse or same-sex, and so forth. Likewise, the clearest explanation behind this training to proceed in India is a direct result of the way that the rank framework keeps on being at its unbending best and furthermore on the grounds that individuals from the country regions won’t change their demeanour to marriage. Likewise in our nation, the general public is predominantly the male-centric. Men are relied upon to uphold such standards and customs and shield family and male respect from disgrace. Ladies are relied upon to behave decently. This comprehension of the thought offers authenticity to all types of social guideline of ladies’ conduct and to viciousness submitted against them.


Existing Penalties under Indian Penal Code:

• Sections 299-304: Penalizes any individual blameworthy of homicide and guilty crime not adding up to kill. The discipline for homicide is life sentence or passing and fine. The discipline for guilty crime not adding up to kill is life detainment or detainment for up to 10 years and fine.

• Section 307: Penalizes attempt to murder with detainment for up to 10 years and a fine. On the off chance that an individual is harmed, the punishment can reach out to life detainment.

• Section 308: Penalizes attempt to commit culpable homicide to submit guilty manslaughter by detainment for up to 3 years or with fine or with both. On the off chance that it causes hurt, the individual will be detained for up to 7 years or fined or both.

• Section 120A and B: Penalizes any individual who is involved with a criminal conspiracy.

• Section 107-116: Penalizes people for abetment of offenses including murder and at fault crime like culpable homicide.

• Section 34 and 35: Penalizes criminal acts done by a few people in the facilitation of regular expectation.

• Section 300: present “fifthly” provision to Section 300 of IPC which at present characterizes “murder” under four classes. The extra definition would make khap-directed Honour killings a particular offense and make every one of the individuals who take an interest in the choice obligated to be gone after for the principle charge, that is murder, and subject most extreme punishment, passing.

Constitution of India:

Honour killings violate various Articles of the Constitution such as Article 14, 15(1) & (3), 17, 18, 19 and 21.

• Article 14– This Article states that everyone is equal and he shall not be discriminated against on any basis.

• Article 15(1) and 15(3)– These articles state that no one shall be prohibited on the basis of caste, creed, gender, sex, etc.

• Article 21– This article states that everyone has a right to life and it includes the right to live a life with dignity.


Making the wrongdoing crime of honour killing a different offense would help bring greater lucidity for law implementation offices. One of the propositions is to alter the Indian Evidence Act to put the weight of confirmation on the accused. Hence, the khap panchayats or the relatives would be liable for demonstrating their blamelessness.

There would be joint risk under the proposed new law. The khap panchayats or any gathering requesting honour killings and the individual who completes the executing would be mutually at risk for discipline. By and by there is no meaning of honour Killing/wrongdoing or lucidity. Since honour Killings/honour wrongdoings are not discrete wrongdoing and subsequently we don’t have any information.

Insurance forces to the officer at the District level: New law will give order to extraordinary police cell in each area to give security to couples.

New law accompanies an institutional hardware and the necessary coordination all things considered. It will likewise order the diverse state government and the Centre to deal with sharpening of the law implementation offices. The new law will order social activities and attention to control such brutality through social methods.

Honour wrongdoings ought to incorporate all the violations against ladies which are executed by the network. There are numerous instances of ladies being marked witches, strutted exposed, tormented in open which are grievous offenses of Honour and subsequently should be fortified by an uncommon law and to have severe disciplines.

Having a unique law can be impediment.

Special Marriages Act has to make some relaxation in his Act

The current method of getting a marriage enlisted is a long procedure. The total procedure takes around 45 days. During this period a couple might be powerless. Steps should be taken to rearrange the enlistment procedure.


The current punishment for the offense of homicide is adequate on the off chance that they are executed carefully and viable. Another arrangement of laws would not hinder Honour killings in light of the fact that the essential issue is social assent for acts resolved to diminish the same gotra marriage, between rank marriages, between religion marriages.

The requirement for making mindfulness among conventional networks through instruction. Considering khap panchayats by and large responsible can be hindering to individuals who don’t bolster such executing. Additionally, it could be abused for malevolent plans


Bagwan Dass vs. State (NCT) of Delhi 2011

The indictment case is that the litigant was irritated with his little girl, who had left her better half Raju and was living in a depraved relationship with her uncle, Sriniwas. This chafed the appealing party as he suspected this lead of his little girl Seema had disrespected his family, and consequently he strangulated her with an electric wire. The preliminary court sentenced the appealing party and this judgment was maintained by the High Court.

The other recent case is of man M. Sudhakar from the Morappan Thangal town came back to his town from Chennai during the lockdown. Subsequent to coming back to his town, he endeavored to meet his better half, which infuriated the ladies’ folks and family members.

Sudhakar had married his better half, a lady from the Vanniyar people group, a half year back at the Walajah town. While them two had a place with bunches named Most Backward Caste (MBC) by the state’s order list, Sudhakar’s standing (Oddar) was viewed as the least among the MBC gatherings.

The lady’s family, which was against the marriage, gathered a nearby panchayat and got it to invalidate the marriage and persuasively isolated the couple. Sudhakar was in this way bugged and pursued away from the town. Since individuals from his locale were in a minority in the town, they stayed quiet and didn’t scrutinize the decision by the nearby panchayat.

Dreading for his life, Sudhakar’s parents, who were poor day by day wage workers, sent him to Chennai to work professionally. In any case, after the across the nation lockdown was declared, Sudhakar thought that it was hard to run his business in Chennai and came back to his town. When Sudhakar was distant from everyone else in his town on March 27, the lady’s dad, alongside a family member, assaulted and murdered him. Before long, the lady’s dad and the relative gave up at the Arani Town Police station, where a case was enlisted.

It is intriguing to take note of that the lady’s family notwithstanding themselves being individuals from a minimized standing gathering, followed up on assimilated ideas of prevalence over the expired man’s family—individuals positioning lower than them. The idea of respect however Brahminical in its premise goes past the flawless build of Brahminical man-controlled society while mimicking its solution of Honour.


In India, even in the midst of an across the country lockdown, the act of Honour Killing reappeared in the southern province of Tamil Nadu a week ago. With the Covid19 pandemic rendering employments scant, M. Sudhakar, 24, had to come back to his town of Morappan Thangal, where he was killed by his significant other’s dad and another family member.

Honour killings are famously underreported – not by the media, however by the State. India’s most recent National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report recorded just one case of Honour Killing in 2018 in the nation, in Delhi. The prior year, it again recorded just one case, this time in Surat, Gujarat. As indicated by the report, there were no such cases in Tamil Nadu during the two years.

In any case, over the most recent five years, as per field examinations and studies by Evidence, an NGO attempting to secure the human privileges of Dalit and Tribal individuals in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, there have been 195 known instances of Honour killings in Tamil Nadu alone. In November 2019, for example, two awful cases of Honour killings occurred in the southern state in the range of a solitary week: 17-year-old Janani from Nagapattinam was determined to fire by her mom for being involved with a Dalit man. After five days, 21-year-old Nambirajan’s beheaded body was found on the railroad tracks in Tirunelveli. He had been slaughtered by his parents in law, who just couldn’t acknowledge his lower-financial class status, despite the fact that he had a place with a similar network.

The yearly NCRB report has been made by focus by gathering the information from the all the states and UTs by approving at police headquarters at area level than at the State level so if this thorough procedure is followed either state governments have no dependable way to follow Honour killings, or they favour not to.

So for this kind of wrongdoing crime we need as exceptional and separate law to manage it like In August 2019, the Rajasthan Assembly passed the Rajasthan Prohibition of Interference with the Freedom of Matrimonial Alliances in the Name of Honour and Tradition Bill 2019, making it the primary state to have an uncommon law for Honour killings. Presently crime– including however not constrained to Killing— roused by Honour are non-bailable offenses in the state, deserving of death or a lifelong incarceration, notwithstanding a fine of up to 5 lakh rupees, setting a confident point of reference to present committed enactment at the Center.

Such a committed law at the inside would give not just increasingly solid information, and a criticalness and viability to secure couples in danger of Honour wrongdoings — yet additionally uncover society’s profundity of division around religion and standing. This could clarify why some deny the requirement for devoted Honour wrongdoing laws with a similar viciousness and lack of care used to denounce intercaste and interreligious marriage – both envoy the inevitable breakdown of monstrous and obsolete separation points and the approach of an increasingly equivalent society.


Honour Killing is accomplished for sparing the Honour of the family. In any case, there is no such Honour in murdering any individual. ‘Religion’ and ‘culture’ can’t and should not be summoned as a reason for the executing of women since religion and the laws which get from it are consistently emotional understandings. No ‘culture’ has the option to murder and mischief women dependent on their view of ethical quality or Honour. The opportunity of conviction doesn’t mean the opportunity to kill. Everybody has right to existence with full respect and correspondence. Consequently, dynamic laws are the main antitoxin to such offensive practices.

The idea of Honour may have gotten out of date for huge areas of urban India, however, it despite everything works in much bigger pieces of territory India, and keeps on executing viciousness and insult. Let us not treat respect as a fragile issue rather as an ancient relic of a crude past that has made due in spite of sacred changes of standing and sexual orientation.

Vincent ones had beautifully said that “Caste is not as big a problem for love, it is the other way around — and that’s why it scares people enough to kill”.


[1] https://www.britannica.com/topic/honor-killing

[2] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/know-your-rights/honor-killing-a-major-offence-in-india-5248/

[3] Bhagwan Dass v. State (NCT of Delhi), (2011) 6 SCC 396.

[4] https://feminisminindia.com/2018/04/20/honour-killings-love-agency-choice/

[5] http://www.internationaljournalssrg.org/IJHSS/paper-details?Id=78

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