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It gives us immense pleasure in announcing that the journal has received a great response from scholars, teachers and academicians from all over the country. We here at JudicateMe duly acknowledge the contribution of each and every person from any fraternity. JudicateMe will provide assistance to every Author in helping them with rectifying their small errors which is necessary for publishing Research paper and polishing their skills further. Our team is well versed with the fact of  importance of CV in a student’s lives therefore we pledge to assist and publish your original content of Daily Notes, College Projects, Case Analysis, Memorials or any other college research work into a well analysed paper for publication in our journal.


We, here at JudicateMe, focus on in-depth research and original content of the Author to encourage creativity and extensive study of the topic that’s why we do not believe in the concept of “First Come, First Serve”. Our team works day and night to make sure that the Authors who have worked spectacularly in their papers are given preference over others which will encourage others as well to improve and do an extensive research in their work. Our aim is not to exclude other authors but to choose best amongst the best.

The submission should be on any theme related to law, science or management.

  • The Manuscript should be in Word Format and with an appropriate Title.
  • The quality-based selected papers will be published in the form of International Standards Serial Number.
  • The content of the Papers should be original and unpublished.
  • Only full manuscripts submitted on or before the deadline shall be considered for Competition and Top 10 papers will be published in our journal without any publication cost.
  • Authors are requested to adhere the following word limit:

 Essay: 1000 to 3000 words (Excluding footnotes).

  • The Articles must be in Times New roman, Font Size for headings 14 and for side headings & content 12, line spacing 1.5, on an A4 sheet with 1” margin on all sides.
  • A uniform style of the citation must be strictly adhered to while submitting the paper (prefer 20th edition Blue Book, OSCOLA).

All manuscripts submitted shall accompany

  • A cover letter with the Name(s) of the Author(s), Institution/Affiliation, the Title of the Manuscript and Contact information which should include Email Address and Mobile Number.
  • An undertaking as to the work submitted is genuine and the author is the original owner of the work, and the same is not published anywhere before. (Separate Word File Mandatory).
  • Email to the address: judicateme@gmail.com


  • First Prize (Winner of Competition): Certificate of Merit + Certificate of Publication + Cash prize + Internship opportunity with Senior Editor.
  • Second Prize: Certificate of Merit + Certificate of Publication + Cash prize + Internship opportunity with Senior Editor.
  • Third Prize: Certificate of Merit + Certificate of Publication + Internship opportunity with Senior Editor.
  • Top 10 Entries will receive the consolation Prize (Certificate of Merit and Certificate of Publication).

Failure to Registration fees leads to disqualification/removal of paper from competition. Any Registration fee paid to the Author(s) will be acknowledged by the Email.

Registration Fee:

  • Single authored Paper: INR 50
  • Co-authored Paper: INR 90
  • Co-authored Paper up to 3 Authors: INR 120

Confirmation and acknowledgement of receiving paper will be sent within 48 hours and results will be declared within a span of 7 days (from the last date of submission).

All submissions must be sent to judicateme@gmail.com and must be attached with a covering letter mentioning the name of the authors, Title of the manuscript, Occupation, Email address and phone number.